L'Envers de la médaille

Anciennement appelé "The Duality of One's Soul". Ange ou démone? Les deux côtés d'une même histoire. Vous voyez le petit ange et le petit démon assis sur mes épaules? Ils sont là, moqueurs, dictant mes moindres faits et gestes. Voici les états d'âme d'un ange déchu qui cherche encore sa place dans le grand monde.
mercredi, décembre 06, 2006
BOOM headhshot!
Woot! After staying awake for countless hours and still going to work and class tired as hell, I'm finally done with all my papers for this semester. Only one exam left the 12th. :) And now that means it's party time this weekend ( it's my b-day sunday :P) . Yes, one year to add, I'm getting old: a quarter of a century already hehe.

Now, I'm wide awake because I drank my other Monster Energy Drink after dinner. Good game ^^; I thought about this today and with the announcement from my mother that my grandfather was going to give us me and my sister a large sum of money for Christmas ( like around 1000$ or even more supposdly X.x), that I would pay myself a day at a Spa place because I think I deserve it . I'm so physically and mentally drained because of the last few months that this will feel good and prepare me for the next semester to feel more relaxed.

So many things to write about but so little time or almost.

Raine and T.J are mocking me by sleeping on my bed without a care in the world. I wish someitmes that i could be a cat just to spend the day sleeping :P

Anyway, off to the dishes and then I can start enjoying my first 8 hour nights again.

Have a good night folks and stay safe!

Yours truly, Fel

Song of the day: Don't think of me from Dido
soufflé par Feloisa @ 12/06/2006  
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L'angélique démone

Name: Feloisa
Home: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
About Me: Jeune femme désillusionnée par l'amour, timide, mystérieuse, curieuse et passionnée. Contact: MSN luna_667[at]hotmail[dot]com Gtalk mariefrancemorin[a]gmail[dot]com I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge -- myth is more potent than history -- dreams are more powerful than facts -- hope always triumphs over experience -- laughter is the cure for grief -- love is stronger than death. -Robert Fulghum, The Storyteller's Creed

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