L'Envers de la médaille

Anciennement appelé "The Duality of One's Soul". Ange ou démone? Les deux côtés d'une même histoire. Vous voyez le petit ange et le petit démon assis sur mes épaules? Ils sont là, moqueurs, dictant mes moindres faits et gestes. Voici les états d'âme d'un ange déchu qui cherche encore sa place dans le grand monde.
lundi, novembre 27, 2006
"The coldest blood runs through my veins. You know my name..."
Well for those that didn't know, this is a part of the lyrics of the theme sonf of the newest James Bond movie Casino Royale. I went to see it yesterday with my friend Tony. It was just awesome even if I didn't like the choice of the actor that much that was portraying James Bond; the movie was action-packed and there was nice poker games in there ( except well the odds that people get such nice hands in real life... well it IS a matter of odds :P). So, my roomate brought her cat after all yesterday and Raine hates him, she keeps hisssing at him. ^^; Wel lshe'll get used to him eventually. Well I might add more to this post later but I'm so tired and confused of my meeting with one of my three Prince Charming *blushes* that I'll write later.

Have a good night folks and stay safe!
Yours truly, Fel

Song of the day: You know my name from Chris Cornell
soufflé par Feloisa @ 11/27/2006  
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L'angélique démone

Name: Feloisa
Home: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
About Me: Jeune femme désillusionnée par l'amour, timide, mystérieuse, curieuse et passionnée. Contact: MSN luna_667[at]hotmail[dot]com Gtalk mariefrancemorin[a]gmail[dot]com I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge -- myth is more potent than history -- dreams are more powerful than facts -- hope always triumphs over experience -- laughter is the cure for grief -- love is stronger than death. -Robert Fulghum, The Storyteller's Creed

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