L'Envers de la médaille

Anciennement appelé "The Duality of One's Soul". Ange ou démone? Les deux côtés d'une même histoire. Vous voyez le petit ange et le petit démon assis sur mes épaules? Ils sont là, moqueurs, dictant mes moindres faits et gestes. Voici les états d'âme d'un ange déchu qui cherche encore sa place dans le grand monde.
jeudi, novembre 09, 2006
Life Projects and homeworks
Yep, I'm crawling under piles of homework and I won't see the end of it until the beginning of December( yikes!). I had a great idea today for spending New Year's this year: I'm thinking of going somewhere in the U.S.A for New Year's. Where exactly? Well that is a seeecret :P What I can tell though is that I will be gone for 5 days and hopefully one of the places I want to visit will be open January 1st ^^;. If not, well I guess I'll wait until summer to go spend a week there.

There's a lot of workshops-like things I'll be attending next semester. One of them is a class of German at school, the other one is a swedish massage course ^^. Also, I'm going to go workout at the university's gym very soon, it should do me some good even though I actually lost some weight because of the recent events. It's more about staying healthy and all. :)

I actually started talking with the person in charge of my certificate at school about my formation course that I will take this summer. I'm trying to get into SDL International ( wish i could do their formation in England but I won't be done with school at the time they need us :( ). She might even have a job in my area of expertise for November!?! This would be awesome if I could leave the goddamn chocolate shop :P. Hopefully, in a year or two, I'll be able to attend the Jet program to go teach English in Japan. My friend Kevin is looking into that as well. I think it would be an interesting experience and I could learn a lot from it.

Well, I finally managed to get Raine an appointement in a week to the vet ( so long though, now she keeps me awake for most of the night now); well at least I didn't keep the male kitten that will ( or has already) start to pee in my ex's apartment to mark his territory. I rather lose a few hours of sleep than to have my apartment smell like pee . ^^

So tired... must do homework.. gah.
soufflé par Feloisa @ 11/09/2006  
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L'angélique démone

Name: Feloisa
Home: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
About Me: Jeune femme désillusionnée par l'amour, timide, mystérieuse, curieuse et passionnée. Contact: MSN luna_667[at]hotmail[dot]com Gtalk mariefrancemorin[a]gmail[dot]com I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge -- myth is more potent than history -- dreams are more powerful than facts -- hope always triumphs over experience -- laughter is the cure for grief -- love is stronger than death. -Robert Fulghum, The Storyteller's Creed

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