L'Envers de la médaille

Anciennement appelé "The Duality of One's Soul". Ange ou démone? Les deux côtés d'une même histoire. Vous voyez le petit ange et le petit démon assis sur mes épaules? Ils sont là, moqueurs, dictant mes moindres faits et gestes. Voici les états d'âme d'un ange déchu qui cherche encore sa place dans le grand monde.
jeudi, décembre 28, 2006
Muse's videoclip of Starlight

So angry right now... some people just give themselves the right to judge you. Can't believe I had to spend money getting bus tickets ( lost my monthly pass) and walk in the cold to get a fucking lecture on sharing things with someone that has no clue who I am. Well now I hope you know who I am -_- I never asked you for your freaking opinion nor an analysis on the subject; that's why I have a therapist you idiot. After all I have done for people over the years there's still people that have to whine about me not doing enough... People will never be happy no matter what you do for them... I can't believe this!
soufflé par Feloisa @ 12/28/2006  
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L'angélique démone

Name: Feloisa
Home: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
About Me: Jeune femme désillusionnée par l'amour, timide, mystérieuse, curieuse et passionnée. Contact: MSN luna_667[at]hotmail[dot]com Gtalk mariefrancemorin[a]gmail[dot]com I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge -- myth is more potent than history -- dreams are more powerful than facts -- hope always triumphs over experience -- laughter is the cure for grief -- love is stronger than death. -Robert Fulghum, The Storyteller's Creed

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